Events TestimonialsPRAISE REPORT
The HAT Mission team left UK for Nigeria on the 3rd of April, 2012, comprising of medical doctors, IT specialists, student and an engineer; with the purpose of ministering God’s living hope to the presumed hopeless.
The team arrived at Ilorin and hit the ground running, with loving welcome and hospitality provided by Revd Omolehin (General Overseer, Word Assembly Ministries), his wife, Dr (Mrs) Omolehin and the members of Word Assembly Church.
Hope Alive Trust was able to:
✔ Provide free medical consultation for out-patients
✔ Provide free minor medical operations
✔ Provide free medicine
✔ Perform maintenance work at the Computer School / Café, which HAT helped to establish
✔ Give out free clothing articles to the community
✔ Support the Hope Orphanage
✔ Laid the foundation of HAT Primary Medical Care Centre building at Ilorin
✔ Visited the Ikoyi Prisons and gave gifts of essentials to prisoners
✔ Minister the word of God on whatever platform He provided
Noteworthy Happenings -
✔ Approximately 250 out-patients were seen at the medical outreach plus seven minor operations performed.
✔ 32 students graduated from the Computer school this year; computer literacy had been provided free.
✔ Laying of the foundation of Hope Alive Trust Primary Care Centre building.
✔ Visit to the Hope Orphanage, which is under the supervision of Dr (Mrs) Omolehin, was still a humbling experience.
✔ A lot of the patients were overjoyed to see HAT again this year!
All these has been greatly facilitated by dedicated HAT donors who have in one way or the other supported the HAT vision by giving time, funds, service and advice.
Thank you so much.